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Posts by category
- Category: Advice
- Do we need an alternative dispute resolution clause in this contract?
- Due diligence on a commercial property acquisition
- Planning for the end of a contract
- A landlord’s liability for a commercial tenant’s activities
- A tenant’s guide to business leases and ‘contracting out’
- How to fund your MBO – a consideration of the main routes available
- Is your partnership agreement still fit for purpose?
- Commercial service charges – a tenant’s guide
- Charity premises and land transactions – avoid the traps
- How to appoint a new supplier without over-sharing – the role of NDAs and confidentiality clauses
- What are your rights when a commercial tenant goes bust?
- Top tips for negotiating a successful MBO sale
- To sign or not to sign – do you have a legally binding contract?
- Documenting short-term occupation for commercial landlords
- Top tips for preparing to sell your commercial property.
- Joint ventures – choosing the right structure and whether to incorporate
- Controlling business risk with indemnities and limited liability clauses
- Solar panels – generating electricity on your commercial building
- Preparing your business for sale to an MBO
- Avoiding problems with easements on commercial land
- How to negotiate a turnover rent for retail premises
- Key legal issues when launching or operating a subscription service
- Liability of former commercial tenants and guarantors
- Why your terms & conditions may be letting you down
- Due diligence – ensuring a business acquisition benefits from the contracts
- Exercising a break clause – top tips for commercial tenants
- What do you need to know if you are acquiring multiple dwellings?
- Should you drag along or tag along as an investor?
- Selling spare land on a commercial site
- As a Tenant how do you end your obligations under a lease?
- Planning for success in a partnership merger
- Agreements with highways authorities
- Buying your first commercial property
- Could a trade mark protect your business on social media?
- Buying shares in a business – what to look out for
- Key lease negotiation points for landlords
- Key points when negotiating a promotion agreement for your land
- Pitfalls to avoid when commissioning bespoke software
- Understanding crowdfunding as a business financing option
- Developing on brownfield building land
- Renters Reform Bill: what does it mean for landlords?
- Negotiating a commercial finance agreement
- Letting your tenant go: consenting to assignment and underletting
- Why you need clarity on dates and time limits in commercial contracts
- Redeveloping commercial property around your tenant
- How green is your supply chain?
- Restrictive covenants and development sites
- Setting up in business as a partnership
- Renewing or extending your commercial lease
- Risks and rewards with a personal guarantee
- Securing access for a commercial property
- Intellectual property licensing and negotiating your first deal
- Buying offices as an investment
- Buying an asset-based business – what to look out for?
- Excluding or limiting liability in B2B terms and conditions
- Christmas trading – implications for landlords and tenants
- Commercial property considerations for damage by insured risks
- New director-member joining your company? Time to review your shareholder agreement
- Making your commercial property portfolio more sustainable
- Winding up and closing down a company cleanly
- Contract pricing in commercial agreements – pitfalls to avoid
- Landlord’s options if a tenant breaches repair obligations
- Obligations under a full repairing and insuring commercial lease
- Business checklist for admitting a new partner
- Water, drainage, and sewers; out of sight, but not out of mind
- Ecommerce refresher for retailers trading online in the UK
- Commercial Service Charges – Landlord v. Tenant
- Secrets of success in manufacturing agreements
- Ten key negotiating points when taking a new commercial lease
- Selling a business? Make sure you clear out any skeletons first
- Extending your commercial property
- Resolving a commercial lease dispute in a recession
- Employee, worker or self-employed? Comparing status and rights
- Warning Break Clause Ahead!
- Legal tips for optimising the sale value of commercial property
- The key legal issues to take you from startup to scale up
- Can employers insist employees get vaccinated?
- Update your commercial contracts for the post-Brexit regime
- Exiting your commercial lease – what are the options?
- It is time to refresh HR policies and practices for 2021
- Is an MBO or MBI a good move for your business?
- Working from home: wellbeing and mental health of employees
- Landlords’ options for enforcing commercial tenants’ obligations
- Can I challenge a will that fails to make reasonable provision for me?
- 7 pitfalls to avoid when making redundancies
- Regaining possession of a rental property during the Covid-19 crisis
- Alternative rent structures in commercial leases
- Developers, beware of the rentcharge!
- Seven reasons to update your shareholder agreement
- It’s not fair! When shareholders claim unfair prejudice
- Extending eating areas into outdoor space – issues for landlords and tenants
- Covid-19 policy for e-commerce and amendments to delivery and refund policies
- Release of lockdown: continuing or ending homeworking
- Aster Communities ordered to pay costs of tenant’s expert in service charge dispute.
- Keeping coronavirus redundancies fair and the alternatives
- Are your contracts fit for purpose in this new world of business?
- Commercial Property – Coronavirus Act 2020
- Commercial property landlords and COVID-19 – what are your options?
- Risk management by company directors during the COVID-19 crisis
- Content sources for Government support for UK businesses during the coronavirus pandemic
- Coronavirus FAQs for company and commercial issues
- Beware increased fraud risk during the coronavirus – nine scams to watch out for
- Dispute Resolution
- Should I agree to an earn out when selling my business?
- Terms and Conditions Q&A – Goods damaged during transit and before delivery
- Rent Deposit Deeds
- Types of shares and reasons for restructuring your shares?
- Garden Leave -Protecting your business when employees go
- Landowners’ rights and the Electronic Communications Code
- Appointing a new director
- Resolving a dispute after terminating a commercial agency
- Payment terms in your commercial contracts
- Managing risk with a commercial agent
- Resolving a dispute arising out of a breach of your fiduciary duties
- Options when your landlord breaches a commercial lease
- The risks of DIY probate
- Ensure any strategic project is underpinned by a consultancy agreement
- Selling part of your garden
- Betting the farm when you marry without a prenuptial agreement?
- The value of a non-disclosure agreement in keeping pre-contract negotiations confidential
- Dealing with restrictive covenants on land
- Best or reasonable endeavours? What a difference a word makes
- Selling your company – handle warranties with care
- Taking your first commercial lease
- Buying a business: are you getting shares or asset?
- Tax planning for your inheritance
- Getting vacant possession for redevelopment
- Resolving a minority shareholder dispute
- How overage agreements can boost profits from your land
- Directors Duties – Do you know your responsibilities as a director?
- Changing a will after someone has died: it is possible and it could save you money
- Retaining ownership of your goods via a retention of title clause
- Claiming your rightful inheritance
- Selling your land through a conditional contract
- Management buyouts: funding options
- Stamp Duty Land Tax: why it costs more to buy a second home
- Is a management buyout a good way to sell your business?
- General Data Protection Regulation: Guide for businesses (Part 1)
- Does your will take advantage of the new inheritance tax ‘residence nil rate band’?
- Dilapidations – concerned about the condition of your properties?
- Why you should make a lasting power of attorney
- Flood risk & conveyancing
- “Yummy Cookies”
- Category: Business
- Social media and online selling
- Franchising – The next generation business model?
- Schedule of Condition
- Security of Tenure in commercial leases
- Repairing obligation for tenants & landlords
- Is the small business retail lease for you?
- Minimum membership periods for gyms unfair
- Solar Panels
- Unfair Dismissal
- Surveillance Films
- Compromise Agreements
- Category: Company Law
- Don’t try to defraud your creditors!
- The allocation of taxing rights in bilateral agreements
- Is assigning a claim to another company a case of champerty?
- Cross-border restructuring and the power of the Courts under the cross-class cram-down
- Honesty is always the best policy
- Redress payments made to consumers are tax deductible
- Share forfeiture for unpaid debts unrelated to the shares themselves
- UK courts cannot wind up a Luxembourg-based sub-fund
- Challenging a monetary penalty notice imposed by the Information Commissioner’s Office
- A sole director can take a decision if the Model Articles were not modified
- Challenging an improper dilution of a company’s shareholding
- Challenging an improper dilution of a company’s shareholding
- Challenging an improper dilution of a company’s shareholding
- Pension pots lie beyond the reach of creditors
- When filing a winding-up petition electronically, you must comply with all the requirements
- Enhanced Capital Allowance claims – the 10-year limit is a strict one
- Preparatory steps to set up a new company are not a breach of fiduciary duty
- Re-use of a company’s name and the non-dormancy requirement
- Asset demerger and reduction of capital – ensure that you comply with statutory requirements
- Breach of confidence and a director’s liability
- Stick to the constitution, or an election to a charity commission might be invalidated
- Ensure that your anti-money laundering controls are adequate to avoid heavy fines
- Choose your experts well
- Double taxation jeopardy: Did you loosen your ties to the UK sufficiently?
- Arrangements to reduce structural complexity are a tax mitigation and can lead to Stamp Duty Land Tax group relief
- Request professional advice before entering into a “tax-saving scheme”
- HMRC must give cross-undertaking when appraising damages in winding-up petitions
- Are you really a member of the company?
- Safety first! An ounce of prevention precludes a slew of litigation.
- A venture can result in a partnership by conduct
- Profit-sharing agreements: Be aware of their terms!
- Sell-side deal fees are not deductible
- Can you patent an AI invention?
- Ensure the appointed representative agreement’s terms are clear to avoid liability.
- Can a director claim a debt from their company?
- Negative Trustpilot reviews do not constitute libel.
- Five key issues to ensure your IT contracts are robust and secure
- The loan relationships unallowable purpose test is demonstrably broad
- Don’t keep a company trading if it should go into liquidation
- Notice provisions should be construed in light of their commercial purpose
- Can a director be in breach of his duty for transferring a property below market value to commit an alleged tax evasion?
- You cannot use an intra-group loan to obtain a tax advantage
- Are directors or senior executive employees liable if a company commits a civil wrong?
- Category: Conveyancing
- Category: Emma Cook
- Category: Emma-Jane Smith
- Category: Employment
- Category: Heidi Sawtell
- Category: Lauren Russell
- Category: Legal News
- The importance of Intellectual Property Rights to your business
- Employment Law Roundup
- Surplus income – make a gift
- Prenups look set to gain force of Law
- Interest Rate Hedges (Swops) claims against Lenders
- Householders Face Huge Chancel Bills
- Divorce in Perspective
- Changes to Chancel Repair Liability
- Shortlisted by Naomi House in “Outstanding Charity Champion” category
- Changes to compromise agreements
- Employment Tribunal Claims
- April Fools Day: No Win No Fee, act now!
- The New Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme
- Retirement: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly!
- All change in the Civil legal costs system
- Category: Lesley Walker
- Category: News
- Valuation Office ordered to refund £430m in business rates for ATMs
- Furlough Leave, Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme and what it means for you
- Coronavirus
- Employment Law Update
- First Tier Tribunal: a dilapidated bungalow is NOT a single dwelling for SDLT purposes
- Don’t get mugged
- Lexcel Accreditation
- Don’t let your money pour down the drain
- Category: Property Law
- Essential tenancy documents can be served by post!
- The pitfalls of selling a British property based on a foreign order
- ‘Local connection’ needs to be in the ‘real sense’ when seeking council accommodation
- Forced disposal: Can you prove your allegations?
- Injunction without notice: Ensure it is right in your situation
- Beneficial interest, trust arrangements and mortgage possession proceedings
- Too much earth against the side of a wall can amount to a nuisance
- The right to buy can be satisfied even by the limited occupation of the property
- Returning a deposit – ensure that the contractual terms are on your side
- Who is deemed a ‘landlord’ under the right to manage provisions?
- Quantifying damages for trespass
- How are historical tenancy fees affected under the Tenant Fees Act 2019?
- Land boundaries: Don’t be over-reliant on the registered title plan
- Lex situs still applies, so properties in England cannot form part of a foreign bankrupt’s estate
- When it comes to property disputes, adopt one position and stick to it
- Fair rent determination: Ensure that you provide good comparables
- An equitable tenant could constitute a qualifying tenant
- The importance of conducting an impact assessment in relation to heritage sites
- Deed of Priorities: If there is no surplus, then you are not entitled to any money
- Zone of influence: You can reduce the price and request an additional payment following the Coal Authority’s approval
- Cryptoassets are property
- Consideration of residential vs non-residential property for Stamp Duty Land Tax purposes
- Confiscation orders and beneficial ownership – yes, they can be subject to estoppel
- Beware of disrespecting improvement notices and mitigating factors
- Even if you have no legal right to occupy a property, you still have the right to be forced to leave in accordance with the law
- Injunctions can be used to restrain property sales
- Mortgage accounts cannot always be remedied in court
- Ambiguous signs can result in a right of way being created
- Paddocks are not part of the grounds of the dwelling
- Transfer of property without knowledge
- Is a floating caravan still a mobile home?
- Collateral warranties are not construction contracts.
- Can you use proprietary estoppel to enforce an oral agreement?
- Code rights and Part II of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 rights are mutually exclusive.
- High street rental auctions – a guide for landlords
- Downstream greenhouse gas emissions must be considered when granting planning permission
- Partnership agreements – planning for profits and losses
- Surrendering a lease for commercial premises
- The Leasehold and Freehold Reform Act has now become law – but what does that mean for me?
- Non-objection clauses in option agreements are lawful.
- Don’t misrepresent your intention to terminate a commercial lease.
- You are not automatically liable for all damages caused by Japanese knotweed
- Distances for a crematorium are not measured from open areas within the crematorium grounds.
- Category: Robert Hurst
- Category: Services
- Category: Simon Walker
- Category: Sonia Adlem
- Category: Talbot Walker
- Category: Uncategorized